Shavers Anonymous

Growing A Beard - Funny Parody - Shavers Anonymous.
The first time I tried it, I was probably about 15 years old.
Some other kids were doing it… I guess I just wanted to be cool...
I had seen my dad do it… I had seen my grand dad do it... I guess I didn't think it was a big deal.
The first time I did it, I messed myself up pretty bad honestly...

I found as time went on, I had a need to do it more and more...
It was starting to take a toll on my body. It seemed like now after a day or two of doing it, my body had this strange itchy sensation, and I felt like I had to do it again.
I looked horrible... I couldn't even stand to look at myself in the mirror.
And one day I just realized I need to make a change...
I knew there had to be other men out there just like me. Men who wanted to break free.
I want to reach these men.
That's why I started Shavers Anonymous...
The first time I tried to stop I went 10 weeks before I relapsed.
I picked myself back up though and now I'm currently 3 week shave free now, and I feel great.
I feel like I finally get it...
As time goes on, I don't even think about shaving anymore.
I feel like a different person... a better person.
Now I just want to help others who were like me.
I started a simple 2 step program anyone can start.
The first step is just throwing away your razor.
The second is to subscribe to this channel.
I'll be here to guide you, to encourage you and to give you tips to help you grow into the man you always wanted to be.
Today is day one guys. You don’t have to be beardless any longer!