My Best Tips For Starting Your Beard

Hey guys, here is my video for the best tips for starting your beard.
1. Let it grow. Give your beard some time to grow out a bit before you decide to trim your neckline so you can have a good reference point.
2. Don't over trim it. You want to make sure you aren't right on your jawline which some people have a tendency to do. It can also limit the fullness of your beard.
3. Don't get caught up in make each side exactly identical, this will cause you to over trim and could lead to a complete shave off.
4. Don't over wash it. Over washing your beard can lead to over drying out your skin and your beard. This will cause more itchiness. Twice a week should be go so long as you are now getting overly dirty each day.
5. Use beard oil. Not only does beard oil smell great, it help protect your beard hair and your skin.